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Experience Rating For Health Insurance – How To Find A Good Health Plan Community rating is defined by the U.S. Department of Labor as the concept of a health care system that provides health coverage to all members of a defined geographical area. In health care, community rating refers to a requirement that all health care insurance providers offer the same basic health care coverage premiums to everyone within a defined geographical area. Premiums are set at a rate that is affordable for the group; however, high-risk groups are also typically charged a higher rate and those who have a medical condition that leads to an inability to pay are usually refused coverage. In most health plans, health coverage can be extended to children through the age of nineteen; however, most individual health plans do not allow such provisions. Community rating may also require insurers to provide group-specific coverage that is different from the standard coverage offered by companies in the individual market. The concept of community rating was created to improve the quality of health coverage for people living in areas of high health risks. It also gives more value to an individual's health needs by allowing insurance providers to take into consideration factors other than age and gender when setting rates. For example, there may be a greater need for additional benefits in order to protect a person from high risk conditions like heart disease or diabetes. Thus, sr 22 insurance alaska living in an area that is more prone to these conditions are charged higher premiums by insurance companies because they will be considered a high risk group. For example, if a person is fifty years old and has been diagnosed with heart disease, then a health insurance provider will likely charge them a higher premium than someone in their twenties who hasn't been diagnosed. This means that there is a larger difference in premiums between people with different age brackets. Health insurance premiums may also vary depending on a person's location. For example, premiums may be higher in areas where the population is higher, such as in a town or city with a higher density of people. Health insurance rates may also be higher in more rural locations because health insurance is required to be provided by a physician rather than by a hospital. Insurance companies must determine their rates based on the population they serve and the health needs of the people living in the area. If they don't consider the risk factor, it could result in people having less protection or more expensive policies that may not adequately cover their needs. Community rating can also have a negative impact on the quality of health insurance coverage that individuals receive. It forces insurers to charge more for people with more health problems which would make life insurance rates go up. There are several things you can do to avoid being charged more for your health coverage. First, always ask the insurer what discounts are available to you and look around online for other plans. Second, look for organizations that promote fair rating practices and help you find discounts. In addition to being insured against high risk diseases, you should be sure that you're covered for any medical condition which can be caused by your occupation, lifestyle, genetics, or environment. If you're currently covered by an employer's health plan, talk to the HR department about getting a group health insurance plan. If you're self-employed, you should talk with the owners of your company about getting a group health plan through them. A good health plan should cover a wide variety of health problems, not just a few common ones. It should also have a good benefits package. Look for programs that offer a variety of benefits such as dental, vision, mental health, pharmaceutical, and life insurance. Another key way to save money on health care is to choose a plan that offers a high deductible and lower co-pays for doctor visits. These plans are often less expensive, because the insurance company pays a portion of the expense of care before a person makes a claim. As your health improves, you'll probably be able to add services without the need for a claim. Finally, you should look for plans that offer a higher co-payment for those who have existing medical conditions. If you don't have a health insurance policy through work, speak with your employer about purchasing one.